At a Glance

Updated: September 1, 2022

Question Answer
What does a typical practice/game schedule look like? 2 nights per week practice
Meets on Saturdays or Sundays
When do practices start? Mid-to-Late November
When do matches start? December/January
When does the season end? Mid-to-Late Late February
Where are practices held? Westfield High School
Are there evaluations/tryouts? When? No
Are there playoffs? No but there are Championship tournaments
Is there a Picture Day? Possibly
Opening or closing ceremonies or activities End of Year Team Celebration
Where can I find more info?

Are there any Big Events for this sport during season There are a variety of competition opportunities, including dual meets, championship tournaments, and opportunities to compete in open tournaments, including the Virginia State tournament
What if the coaches are way too Awesome? We get that all the time.......


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5950 Centreville Crest Lane
Centreville, VA 20121
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P.O. Box 471
Centreville, VA 20122
Phone: (703) 815-3362
Fax: (703) 815-2180