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The Washington Nationals Team UP Program, Recognizes SYA Volunteer, Larry Hopkins

Selected from the 28 leagues that Team UP supports

The Washington Nationals Team UP Program, Recognizes SYA Volunteer, Larry Hopkins

In 2015, the Nationals launched Team UP a substantial, multi-faceted program with a mission to provide resources and programs that supports youth baseball and softball. Team UP provides at no cost uniforms, player visits, gameday experiences, recognition opportunities and recruiting assistance for its member leagues. In conjunction with Inova Health system, the program expanded in 2017 and 2018 within Northern Virginia and again into Maryland in 2020.

They asked each Nationals Team UP league to nominate someone who this past spring season generously served their league, encouraged their youth players and exemplified teamwork and sportsmanship. Larry Hopkins was nominiated by Southwestern Youth Association and was selected as a Volunteer of the Year! 

As an experssion of their gratitude, the Washington Nationals awarded Larry with tickets to a 2022 Nationals home game and an autographed baseball.

Congratulations to Larry, and thank you for supporting SYA Little League this spring.