Dave has been an SYA volunteer for over 30 years, as a coach and commissioner. He is currently the commissioner for winter and summer basketball. His three sons all played sports in SYA including baseball, basketball, football, and soccer. Each one of them went on to play sports in high school. From there they each played college basketball, and graduated in 4 years.
Dave has been a huge supporter of teaching the younger age group, boys and girls, the skills and fundamentals of basketball. He led the changes in the younger age house leagues to lower basket heights, play 3 v 3 and 4 v 4 games, and mandatory playing time for all. For travel basketball, he instituted a 25% minimum playing time for all players and has continuously supported selecting teams within the SYA boundaries.
Dave has always recognized the value sports can have on young people. He is a huge proponent of our kids playing multiple sports, to ensure they grow physically and emotionally. Playing multiple sports helps them understand how to work better as a teammate, learn how to persevere through challenges, and deal with winning and losing. Dave believes the foundation developed with youth sports becomes the platform to build upon for being successful, contributing adults.