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“Where do my registration fees go?”

“Where do my registration fees go?”

In 2021 SYA began surveying SYA families after each season to gain valuable feedback for our organization.  We intend to utilize the information to communicate better with our parents.  Here, we are answering the question of "where do my registration fees go?" The comment is a good one and we realize that not all parents understand what their registration fees cover.   

Please keep in mind that SYA does not normally receive any money from Fairfax County, save for a small amount of reimbursement for financial aid/scholarships (given out to qualified individuals).  This reimbursement represents about 10% of the costs SYA incurs for scholarships and financial assistance.  Otherwise, SYA operates solely on the revenue generated by registration fees and the donations of our members and business communities and Sponsorships.   

Many of our sports fundraise to cover their expenses.  (Side note: you can help us in this effort by either donating during the registration process or contacting Scott Liskey, SYA Fundraising Coordinator on ways to sponsor our programs).   

We thank those that have been able to help with their donations and sponsorships over the years. 

Following is a breakdown of the SYA revenue and expenses.    

SYA Revenue 

  • Sport Registration fees 

  • Donations 

  • Sponsorships 

SYA Expenses 

  • Uniforms and equipment 

  • Officials 

  • SYA Administrative Overhead (including website costs, utilities, phones, portable potties, limited payroll, storage facilities, insurance, volunteer background checks, etc) 

  • Taxes and audits for the organization 

  • Insurance

  • Scholarships and financial aid 

  • Training fees 

  • League fees, tournament fees,  

  • Fairfax County user fees 

  • Recognition, awards, end of year activities 

  • Maintenance (such as mowing, clean up, equipment, etc) 

  • Capital improvements - (including bleachers, fencing, batting cages, goals, etc) 

  • Miscellaneous cost associated with running programs 

As a nonprofit program SYA is entitled to helpful benefits including having sales tax exemption. As a volunteer-driven organization, SYA is dependent on volunteers to manage, coach and organize our sport programs.  The SYA Board of Directors are also made up primarily of volunteers. Please consider volunteering your time with SYA.   

Future participation by our families in our surveys will help us continue to improve.    

Thank you to those who have responded to date.   

Thank you - SYA Board of Directors