Animal/Pet Policy on Soccer Fields

Animal/Pet Policy on Soccer Fields


There are three Fairfax County ordinances prohibiting pets (i.e., dogs) from all Fairfax County school grounds. There are health notices on all FCPS school grounds asking pet owners to NOT bring their pets on school grounds. Please do not bring your pets to ANY school fields.

FAIRFAX COUNTY/REGIONAL PARK AUTHORITY PARKS (Kincheloe, Popes Head, EC Lawrence, Braddock Park, Arrowhead Park):

It must be on a leash, must remain AT LEAST 15 feet from the field at all times (NEVER to be on the field), controlled by someone that can restrict its movements (ie, not a child), and any waste must be cleaned up and taken with you.

We prefer that you would NOT bring your pet to any soccer fields. We have had many complaints from concerned parents. While most people are responsible, even the best of dogs will had a bad day.

Because of the number of people who visit the fields, and local health codes, please consider leaving your pet at home while attending soccer games.


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Phone: (703) 815-3362
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