Reminders for all School Grounds

Reminders for all School Grounds

Smoking, Tobacco, and Alcohol: As a reminder, Fairfax County Public Schools has a policy that prohibits smoking and the use of tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes, in all schools, administrative offices, facilities, FCPS vehicles, fields, and playgrounds. You can review the details by clicking here. While this specific policy doesn’t address alcohol, a similar policy is in place for alcohol. Please be sure to abide by this school policy as SYA Little League is a guest of the school system when using all their fields.

Pets: There are three Fairfax County ordinances prohibiting pets (i.e., dogs) from all Fairfax County school grounds. There are health notices on all FCPS school grounds asking pet owners to NOT bring their pets on school grounds. Please leave you pets at home while watching your kids play ball.

Parking: While we all recognize that parking at schools can be tough to come by at times, we want to make sure that all our players and their families are safe when leaving their cars and making their way to the fields. Do not ignore posted signs, either in the school lots or local streets and consider the players, families, and the local residents in your choice for parking. Park as if you expect the police to be patrolling. Here is a general summary of Fairfax County parking regulations:

Fairfax County Parking Restrictions and Information

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Contact SYA
Office Location:
5950 Centreville Crest Lane
Centreville, VA 20121
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 471
Centreville, VA 20122
Phone: (703) 815-3362
Fax: (703) 815-2180